About Spec Mix®

For Architects
For Contractors
Specifying Mortar





















Spec Mix® Preblended Mortars | For Contractors


Spec Mix eliminates the inconsistencies associated with some field proportioned mortars. The process first extracts the moisture from the sands because wet sands directly affect the quality and consistency of mortar. Specifically, sands exposed to moisture increase in volume; commonly known as the "bulking effect". Volumes which are used for field mix proportioning change up to 30% (see graph) depending upon the aggregates.

After the moisture has been eliminated, the specified mix design is entered into the computer system and each ingredient weighed separately. Then, the product is completely preblended to meet the proportion or property requirements of ASTM C 270.

To verify that complete quality control is in effect, digital printouts displaying the proper proportions of each batch can be kept as a permanent record and provided upon request.


Productivity and efficiency are directly related. The Spec Mix system increases jobsite productivity by making the mixing station more efficient.

Our portable Spec Mix silos and bulk bags are delivered to your jobsite. The silo is loaded and the product dispensed into the mixer as you need it. Simply add water. The system is easily moved around the jobsite to provide the greatest accessibility for laborers producing and supplying mortar.

We keep your jobsite clean and organized. Empty bags and wooden pallets are returned to the plant for multiple re-uses.

Progressive contractors utilizing the Spec Mix system are realizing time and labor savings. Spec Mix eliminates the breaking of bags and shoveling. It reduces the manpower and time required to make mortar. Specifically, the system enables the laborer to make mortar in half the time needed for field mixing.

The Spec Mix system is versatile. It has been designed and engineered with an awareness of the diverse product delivery needs, working situations and often inclement weather conditions experienced by the masonry industry.

The Spec Mix silo functions in an 8-foot square area. This allows the masonry contractor to use less space than is required on a conventional mix site. The system can be used for interior as well as exterior work.

Benefit from our experience and expertise. Spec Mix has been used on thousands of masonry projects nationwide. Masonry contractors throughout the country attest to our proven performance by using Spec Mix time and again.

Spec Mix assures the owner, architect, engineer and contractor that the materials will be of the highest quality and consistency, throughout every project, every time.

For non-architectural inquiries, click here.